Judge Turns Down Eastman’s Attempt to Stay in Practice While Battling Disbarment!

Architect of Donald Trump’s attempt to rig the 2020 election, John Eastman, begged a California judge on Wednesday to let him continue practicing law while he battles a move to permanently suspend his license.

In March, Judge Yvette Roland recommended that Eastman be disbarred because she believed he had frequently violated professional ethics to further Trump’s plan to maintain power. While Eastman intends to appeal, her decision automatically suspended her license even though it is not the last word.

Eastman begged Roland in recent weeks to think about postponing the effect of her decision, pointing out that his inability to practice law would interfere with a number of pending federal cases, such as a lawsuit filed by Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz against two California cities that turned down their invitation to hold a political event. Eastman also defends the Colorado Republican Party in an election-related lawsuit and a Colorado youngster who sued his high school for not being allowed to fly a Gadsden flag.

Statements from Gaetz, Greene, and other clients stating that they wanted to keep Eastman representing them even after Roland found him to be misbehaving were submitted in his motion.

Judge Turns Down Eastman's Attempt to Stay in Practice While Battling Disbarment
Eastman added that as he and Trump and thirteen other co-defendants battle criminal charges in Georgia, these cases provide him with a significant source of revenue. In addition, Eastman was one of eighteen individuals that Arizona prosecutors accused last week with trying to rig the 2020 election.

Roland, however, categorically disagreed with Eastman’s justifications for carrying on with his legal business while her disbarment decision is still pending. The judge added that even if she had the power to reinstate his license, she still saw him as a threat to the public, particularly given he had not acknowledged any of the wrongdoing she claimed he had done.

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A three-page order from Roland stated, “Eastman’s motion fails to demonstrate that he no longer presents a threat to the public.” Eastman has requested federal judges overseeing his other cases to postpone ending his involvement until he can contest Roland’s disbarment decision. This is her choice.

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